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Better Sleep: Does Alcohol Affect REM Sleep?

Sleep is an important part of our health and overall life, affecting everything from our mood to our immune system. This is a time when the body and mind are repaired and rejuvenated. However, when looking for a way to relax, many turn to alcohol, which is intricately linked to sleep disorders. We will cover the relationship between alcohol and sleep, providing specific details on how alcohol consumption affects our sleep patterns, especially REM sleep, and how these effects can be reduced for better sleep health.


What are the Stages of Sleep?


There are many different stages of sleep. However, there is one among them that this stage is of critical importance for consolidating memory and regulating mood.


Sleep is divided into two main types: non-REM (NREM) and REM sleep. NREM is further divided into three phases, each progressively deeper. REM sleep, the focus of this discussion, is where most dreams occur and is a crucial stage for emotional and cognitive health.


The Importance of REM Sleep


REM sleep plays an important role in brain development, memory consolidation and emotional regulation. At this stage, the brain processes daily information and supports learning and memory retention.


Effects of Alcohol on the Body


Alcohol has sedative effects that initially promote feelings of relaxation and drowsiness. But its effect on the body is far-reaching. As a central nervous system depressant, alcohol affects brain function and neurotransmitter levels, which can lead to changes in mood, behavior, and cognitive functions. When it comes to sleep, alcohol's sedative properties can indeed make it easier to fall asleep, but this comes at a significant cost in terms of sleep quality and structure.


The Effect of Alcohol on REM Sleep Quality


There is a misconception in our society that alcohol helps us sleep better, but today there is evidence that contradicts this myth.


Initially, very low doses of alcohol can make us fall asleep faster or feel drowsy. However, it is not recommended to drink it before going to sleep, as it has been shown to affect the structure and quality of our sleep. Additionally, as our brain consumes alcohol and learns from it, complications during sleep also increase.


When consumed in higher doses and more continuously, arousals increase and REM sleep is affected. With more chronic consumption, sleep continues to be fragmented but its quality also decreases. Poor sleep quality is also a reason for relapse to consumption, as there is a tendency to think that alcohol will help you rest better, a cycle that closes because the more consumed the worse the sleep becomes. In fact, in some cases, REM sleep may disappear completely, and as a result, even if the hours are within normal limits, you will feel tired when you wake up, as if you had not slept at all. This often causes irritability and fatigue throughout the day.


Some studies have proven that our brain changes when we sleep and is exposed to the harmful effects of alcohol. People who drink alcohol experience slower sleep waves and more delta activity (a process linked to the restorative aspects of deep sleep, in which memories are consolidated and heavily used neurons are renewed). At the same time, alpha waves increase. It is a condition that tends to occur when the brain is awake and resting peacefully and should not occur during sleep. Therefore, co-activation of alpha and delta waves is not good and causes sleep disruption, because alpha functions tend to eliminate the restorative effects that neurons are trying to achieve.


We can see that alcohol consumption is quite detrimental to sleep and can even lead to chronic insomnia. Therefore, it is important to emphasize the importance of sleep in the treatment of addictions and the importance of sleep in the treatment of sleep disorders and its relationship with addictions, as it can affect relapses during the day and general well-being.


What Do Experts Think About Alcohol and REM Sleep?


Research and expert opinions make clear the complex nature of alcohol's impact on sleep. Experts suggest that moderate alcohol consumption may not seriously affect sleep for every individual, but the timing of consumption is very important. Drinking alcohol before bed affects sleep quality more than drinking alcohol in the early evening.


Better Sleep Strategies


Here are some valuable strategies for those who want to enjoy alcohol responsibly while minimizing its impact on sleep:


·      Controlled Moderate Consumption: Alcohol intake can be limited and excessive drinking can be avoided.


·      Pay Attention to Timing: You should try to stay away from alcohol at least 3-4 hours before going to bed to give the body time to metabolize alcohol.


·      Hydration: Alcohol is a diuretic, so you should make sure you drink plenty of water along with alcoholic beverages to prevent dehydration, which can further disrupt sleep.


·      Create a Sleep-Inducing Environment: Regardless of alcohol consumption, promoting good sleep hygiene, such as a dark, cool, organic sleep environment where you use natural sleep products and a consistent bedtime routine, can greatly improve sleep quality.

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As can be seen, the relationship between alcohol and sleep has different aspects. The sedative effects of alcohol cause disruption of sleep structure and reduction of REM sleep. For those who enjoy alcohol but also value their sleep health, by adopting responsible drinking habits and prioritizing good sleep hygiene, it is possible to enjoy both worlds without compromising the quality of your sleep.


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