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Creating a Valuable Comfortable Environment for a Rested Sleep

Updated: Apr 19

Suffering Through Countless Nights Where You Just Can’t Seem to Get to Sleep?


I can relate! As a busy college student, I don’t have a very good relationship with sleep. I often toss and turn throughout the night, wondering how in the world I’m going to get to sleep. Thankfully, as an employee of WoW Futon, a company that encourages healthy sleep through all-natural sleep products, I have learned how to encourage and foster better sleep through some simple lifestyle changes. I would love to share them with you to help improve your sleep!

Comfortable Environment for a Rested Sleep

1. Create a Comforting Environment


Firstly, I think one of the most important things you can do is to create an environment that is conducive to comfortable sleep. For example, my mom, brother, and I are all sensitive to light and can’t go to sleep while light is coming in from the outside. To fix this problem, my mom and brother installed blackout curtains in their bedrooms, and we all now use sleep masks to block light even more effectively. Think about problems that prevent your sleep and how to fix them! It varies from person to person. For example, maybe, your problem is that your mattress is too hard. In that case, I would recommend WoW Futon’s organic mattress toppers that help vanquish hot flashes and discomfort. It all depends on the situation, but just make sure you feel comfortable in your sleeping environment!


2. Establish a Bedtime Routine


Many sleep scientists will tell you that a bedtime routine is essential for better sleep. Having a simple bedtime routine consisting of just washing your face and a couple stretches or some herbal tea can tell your body that it is time to sleep and wind down. Personally, I have a skincare routine I follow along with a nice, hot, steaming cup of herbal tea that helps me understand that I’m about to sleep. Sleep scientists also maintain that going to sleep at the same time everyday helps reinforce your sleep cycle or Circadian rhythm. This is something I struggle with more, but something ya’ll and I should implement together for more successful sleep. Finally, it is recommended that, if you can’t fall asleep, you should get up and do something relaxing until you feel tired. My personal recommendation is reading something difficult to understand. I have employed this method many times myself and always feel my eyelids start to close on me within ten minutes. It’ll put you right to sleep!


3. Watch What You Intake


What you eat and drink can impact your sleep more than you think! Experts recommend avoiding heavy meals and caffeine right before bed. Heavy meals can cause discomfort while you’re trying to sleep, and caffeine, even when consumed six hours before bedtime, can cause you to be wide awake when you are trying to sleep. Caffeine tolerance depends on the person, of course. Since I realized that I am sensitive to caffeine, I try to avoid digesting caffeine after 2 PM. Once again, it’s all about what works best for you!


4. Free Yourself From Stress


I’ve always felt like one of the main things keeping me up at night is thinking about what I have to do, so I was not surprised at all when I learned that stress affects your sleep greatly. The key is to leave all your worries outside your bed. Thinking about all the tasks you have to do is overwhelming and does not help you relax and get to sleep. Listening to calming white noise while in bed or writing a to-do list before climbing into bed might be good tips to follow!


5. Create an Organic Sleep Environment


Everyone has their own unique way of how your sleep environment promotes sleep, so there is no single way to create a comfortable sleep environment. Mattress, bedspread, floor mattress, pillows and even pajamas... It is important which material you sleep on. WoW Futon sleeping products, produced entirely from natural and organic fibers, serve as natural air conditioning with their breathable structure. Linen, merino wool, bamboo, organic cotton, alpaca wool and more...


I hope these tips for better sleep, and perhaps, some WoW Futon products can help your sleep journey!

Build your perfect natural and organic sleeping environment with WoW Futon. WoW Futon organic bedding provide organic and healthy sleep with its certified natural ingredients such as bamboo, merino wool, cotton, alpaca wool, linen and natural latex. Visit the Amazon store and find a variety of WoW Futon Organic Bedding Products that will bring you comfort and quality.

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