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Healthy Sleep: Refresh Your Energy with Power Nap in the Midday

Power Nap, known as Siesta in Latin countries, is the name given today to the short daytime sleep of 15-20 minutes. It is considered an indispensable part of daily life, especially in countries such as Italy, Spain, Chile, Mexico, Greece, China and Japan. It has many positive effects, such as supporting night sleep, refreshing energy during the day and keeping the body fit. It has been proven by scientific research that it revitalizes the mind and increases cognitive performance, concentration and creativity. Reducing stress and the risk of heart attack is also among the benefits of power nap.


power nap

Experts agree that an adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep a day, depending on personal and genetic factors. Sleeping less than needed leads to sleep deprivation, which negatively affects almost all functions of the body. This is where power nap comes into play and, in addition to relieving sleep deprivation, it helps the brain, which gets tired towards the middle of the day, recharge and focus better on the activities during the day. If you already have a good sleep pattern, the positive effect of power nap increases even more.


What Times Should Power Nap Be and How Long Should It Be?


The most important point to consider in power nap is the time spent sleeping and what time of day you do it. Researchers say that the ideal power nap time should be 15-20 minutes and the most suitable time period is between 13:00 and 15:00. Power nap done after 16.00 disrupts the night sleep pattern and reduces sleep quality.


The reason why power naps are kept short is related to the stages of sleep. Sleep basically goes through four stages. The sleep cycle begins with light sleep phases called NREM and finally reaches a much deeper sleep phase called REM sleep, where rapid eye movements occur. This cycle repeats throughout sleep, with each cycle lasting approximately 90 minutes. The reason why experts recommend 15-20 minutes of power nap is to wake up without going into deeper stages in the sleep cycle and continue the day rested. If your sleep time exceeds 30 minutes, you transition into deeper stages of sleep and your heart rate and brain wave activity slow down even more. If you wake up at this stage, you experience “sleep inertia” and feel more sluggish. If you have enough time, you can experience a full sleep cycle that includes all light and deep sleep stages with 90 minutes of sleep. Experts say that 90 minutes of sleep is best as it covers all sleep stages and further improves cognitive and physical performance. In order to get the full effect of power nap and to avoid sleep inertia when you wake up, you should pay attention to the time you sleep. You can try 20-minute or 90-minute periods depending on your availability during the day.


How Do I Prepare the Suitable Environment for Power Nap?


A dark or dim environment is ideal for power nap. However, if you cannot provide the necessary environment for this, an eye mask will be very useful. You can prevent yourself from sleeping longer than you planned by setting an alarm on your phone. If you do not have a special sleeping area for power nap, you should find a place where you will not be disturbed and stay away from distractions. If you can't get away from noise, noise-canceling headphones, earplugs or soft music can make it easier for you to fall asleep.


When you apply power nap for the right amount of time and at the right time, you can gather energy, continue your day with a rested mind and body, and improve your quality of life. Today, many employers recognize the positive effects of power nap on job performance. Training your body to nap at the same time every day and getting used to a regular afternoon nap schedule can really set you up for success.

organic mattress topper for power nap


Power Nap is Much More Relaxing in Natural and Organic Mattresses


If your job is close to home or you work from a home office, taking a short sleep break at home can make your day more energetic. A wonderful natural sleeping environment you create at home will make your sleep even more comfortable. 


WoW Futon is inspired by nature, with an understanding that continues the sleep inspiration and Japanese futon bed culture that has been going on for years by combining it with modern technology. Focusing on nature and humans who are a part of nature, WoW Futon creates organic designs that take into account human nature and needs for a comfortable bed and sleeping experience. Since organic mattresses are produced only with natural materials, you can sleep peacefully as if you are in the lap of nature, with their breathable and body-supporting structure.


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