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Morning Routine: How to Find Your Perfect Start to the Day

The early bird gets the worm." At least that's what the old saying goes. So what does it mean? In this article, we'll show you what your morning can reveal about your day and why a morning routine makes sense. We'll also find out together what your perfect morning could look like. Curious?

Morning Routine

What is Morning Routine?


A morning routine is a fixed routine that we establish in the first few hours of the day. What we want to do during this period may be very different. Examples of morning routines range from drinking a glass of water upon waking to a short run in the fresh air.


When should my morning routine start? This mainly depends on which sleep rhythm you find peaceful. Because sleep research has known for a long time: Wake up early or sleep late? This is often also a matter of disposition. So there doesn't need to be a downside to starting your morning routine two hours after your boyfriend or girlfriend.


The most important thing is the regularity of your morning routine. Try to do this every day so that it becomes what it should be: a routine. So start small before overwhelming yourself with many big changes. Even a short morning routine can have a big impact. The routine of your morning ritual should also be the same every day.


Findings from Psychology: What Your Morning Reveals About Your Day


A morning routine can lead not only to a more productive day, but also to a happier life; Sounds too good to be true? But this! Research shows that a morning routine helps us experience less stress, feel better, and be more satisfied with our lives in the long run.


Why? Our brain loves habits and even releases reward substances when we follow our routine. Because when we automate an action, it does not require any effort or conscious effort on our part. This saves not only time but also energy. We can then use the power we gain for activities that require us to be fully conscious during the day.


And not only that: A morning routine can also help us start the day with more confidence. If we know exactly what's going to happen in the morning and aren't inundated with a flood of emails and requests as soon as we get out of bed, it gives us a nice sense of security and control. In this way, we can strengthen our resilience and face problems more calmly.


Ways to Improve Your Morning Routine


Now that we know the benefits of a morning routine, you may be wondering: How can I get my day off to a good start? Answer: try it. Because your morning routine can be as personal as you.


Do you need a lot of activity at the beginning of the day? Then maybe a run or exercise in the morning is the right idea for you. If you prefer a relaxed atmosphere, meditation, gentle yoga or walking can get you off to a great start to the day. You can also combine mindful and active activities: some self-reflection through journaling or a gratitude journal, for example, paired with an active fitness session. Maybe you can think of other morning routine ideas you like.


No Time Is No Longer An Excuse


Probably the thing that holds us back the most from a morning routine is the feeling that we don't really have time for it amidst all the stressors in our lives. In fact, a morning routine can help us become more relaxed. We'll show you 4 strategies on how to make your morning routine part of your day.


A Fixed Wake Up Time


To develop a routine, it can be helpful to associate relevant actions with a specific time. Because this is how we convey it to our brain, for example: "It's 9 o'clock, I will meditate now". To do this, it makes sense to always get up at the same time, that is, to have a “fixed waking time”. We've already learned that this can look different for everyone. So try to find out which sleep rhythm suits you and what is your optimal sleep time.


Minimize Sources of Interference


Who doesn't know: When we turn off the alarm clock on our smartphone, the first message appears. A study showed that 78% of all people who own a mobile phone look at the screen within the first 15 minutes of waking up. And this has consequences: We often feel stressed early in the day and are prevented from focusing on our morning routine. So how about a “normal” alarm clock? Maybe it might be helpful to keep your mobile phone in airplane mode and your tablet and computer off in the morning.


Plan Adequately


Good planning is half the battle for a successful morning routine. Think about what tasks you can do the night before: whether it's choosing clothes, making breakfast, or laying out your yoga mat, you'll be amazed at how much time you can save by doing small tasks like these. Invest in your morning routine.


We all know that initial motivation often gives way to familiar comfort. How do you still manage to stick with it? We have 2 tips for you!


Visualize Goals


You probably had a purpose in mind when you clicked on this article. Maybe you wanted to learn more about the idea of a morning routine, or maybe you're already knowledgeable and looking for the perfect way to start your day. It's the same when we want to develop a morning routine: Maybe we only have a vague idea of what we hope to achieve from it, or we already have a clear goal.


Ask yourself: What do I want to achieve with my morning routine? Increasing my stress resistance? Or is there more time for me? Whatever they are, write these goals down, put them in a prominent place in your home, or read them before you start your routine. This will motivate you to stay on track!

Morning Routine Exercise


Turning Activity into a Habit


A study conducted at the University of London showed that it takes approximately 66 days for a new activity to become a habit. Of course, there are days when our motivation decreases or increases. But once the new behavior becomes ingrained as a routine in our daily lives, it no longer costs us any new willpower to continue pursuing it.


That Good Feeling You Feel Afterwards


As with exercise, the "after feeling" can be a key motivator when it comes to morning routines. Because if we have acquired a healthy habit, it will not only provide us with physical and psychological benefits, but also strengthen our self-confidence. So get out of bed and start your new routine!

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