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New Method: Choosing the Right Mattress to Get Rid of Back Pain

Updated: Jan 13

According to research, one in every five people suffers from chronic or various periods of back pain. Back pain, which is not specific to any age group, can be a symptom of many diseases as well as reducing living standards. Although various factors cause back pain, choosing the wrong mattress often increases back pain or paves the way for its occurrence. Likewise, choosing the right mattress not only reduces back pain but also prevents it from occurring. In this respect, people with back pain should be careful when choosing a bed.

back pain after sleep

What is Back Pain?

Back pain basically occurs due to the tension of the muscles on both sides of the spine in the back. In other words, back pain occurs when the muscles around the spine are stretched, which puts pressure on the spine.

The causes of back pain are generally due to the body not being in the correct position. Back pain may occur in people who lift heavy loads, work at a desk, or stand frequently in daily life, as there is tension in the muscle areas. Regions such as the heart, lungs and kidneys can also cause back pain. Injuries or problems in the ribs are reflected in the back area and often cause pain in this area. Calcification, especially in the neck and back spine, is one of the main causes of back pain.

One of the most common causes of back pain is due to sleeping in the wrong bed. As can be seen, back pain is caused by the spine not being in the correct position and the muscles tightening. You may experience back pain because incorrect mattresses constantly keep the spine and muscles in the wrong position. Or in other words, you can reduce your back pain thanks to a mattress suitable for health conditions. Read on for the answer to the question of which mattress is good for back pain and choosing a mattress for back pain!

How to Choose the Appropriate Mattress for Back Pain?

Choosing the right bed for back pain and finding the bed that is good for back pain is important for you to choose beds that will adapt to your body and relieve or reduce your pain. Although it is very common to think that hard mattresses are good for back pain, research shows that hard mattresses, far from being good for back pain, cause the pain to increase even more. Because hard beds constantly stimulate the body and do not provide relief, they can cause increased pain.

In this regard, the priority when choosing a mattress for back pain is not to choose an overly hard mattress. Since a hard mattress will not take the shape of the body, it will cause the spine and muscles to work constantly and cause these areas to become stressed. In this respect, it is important to choose beds that will accommodate the slightly curved structure of the spine. At the same time, excessively hard as well as excessively soft mattresses should not be preferred by those suffering from back pain. Because excessively soft beds cannot support the body, they will make the person feel like they are sleeping in a void, causing the body to constantly search for the appropriate position. In this case, medium hardness mattresses stand out as ideal mattresses for those experiencing back pain.

Natural and Organic Mattresses

Natural mattresses, with their natural content, appear as another special type of mattress for those experiencing back pain. With the coconut fiber or horse hair we use in natural mattresses, we offer the ideal sleeping plane in many aspects, especially heat balance. Temperature imbalance, another issue that triggers back pain, manifests itself with excessive sweating or feeling cold during sleep. Body muscles that sweat excessively or feel cold suddenly become tense, causing pain. These mattresses, which contain natural ingredients, are useful for people suffering from back pain, as they are supported by natural materials such as latex, wool or cotton.

In this case, as WoW Futon, we offer you the most suitable organic mattress and organic mattress topper to relieve back pain, but we also remind you that you should also take into account your personal characteristics, namely your age, weight and sleeping position, when choosing a mattress.

See More Great Natural and Organic Sleep Posts on Wow Futon Blog Page

organic mattress topper for back pain

Latex Mattress and Mattress Toppers

Another type of mattress that is good for back pain is latex mattresses. These mattresses, made of natural latex, have a structure that balances the weight of the body and at the same time provides a slight resistance. We have included questions such as "Does a hard mattress cause back pain?" and "mattresses for waist and back pain" here. They keep the body in the correct position and prevent other pains as well as back pain. They are referred to as hard mattresses compared to memory foam mattresses. Here we have included questions such as whether hard mattresses cause back pain and mattresses for waist and back pain. Here we have included questions such as whether a hard mattress causes back pain, or mattresses for waist and back pain. Latex mattresses, which can be used as a bed after this process, offer the ideal ground for both a comfortable turn and relaxation of the muscles. However, at this point, it is necessary to be careful about the use of synthetic latex. Synthetic latex products are sold in the market to reduce costs. Synthetic latex does not have natural properties and does not provide much benefit to the sleeper during sleep. Latex mattresses are a suitable choice for those with back pain, as blood circulation occurs normally and the body weight is distributed equally.

As WoW Futon, we offer a special sleeping experience with the organic mattress topper we produce with 100% ingredients such as completely natural latex, linen, wool and cotton. When choosing a mattress, you can prevent pain or reduce existing pain with WoW Futon Organic Mattress and Organic Mattress Topper, which have natural content and careful structure.

Discover WoW Futon Mattresses that provide organic and healthy sleep products with its certified natural ingredients. Visit the Amazon store and find a variety of WoW Futon Organic Mattress and Mattress Toppers that will bring you comfort and quality.


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