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New Sleep Tips: How to Improve Sleep Quality During Menopause?

Updated: Jan 23

Menopause is a natural phase in women's lives and brings with it many physical and mental changes. During this period, women experience many hormonal, physical and psychological changes. These changes also affect mental health components such as sleep, mood, stress, depression, anxiety, concentration and memory.

Improve Sleep Quality During Menopause

How Does Menopause Affect Sleep?


Menopause occurs when the ovaries stop producing estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are the two dominant reproductive hormones in women and are effective in a number of physical and mental processes such as sleep, mood, appetite and sexual drive. During menopause, levels of these hormones begin to drop, but usually progesterone levels drop much faster, creating a hormone imbalance known as estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance is associated with many menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain and mental problems.


While mood disorders that occur with menopause may be linked to hormonal changes, these mood changes can also result from other life stressors. Being alone, caring for aging parents, or concerns about aging can also increase stress in women. Women may also start taking medications that can affect their sleep due to menopause or other signs of aging. Joint pain, body aches and bladder problems can also cause sleep problems.


Hot Flashes and Sweating in Menopause


Hot flashes are sudden increases in temperature accompanied by sweating and affect 75-85 percent of menopausal women. It starts in the face area and spreads to the chest and the rest of the body. It can take as little as 30 seconds or as long as five minutes. It occurs for about seven years, but can persist for more than ten years. Hot flashes are extremely energizing due to the increase in heat and adrenaline, which can make it difficult to sleep or stay asleep. Even if you fall asleep quickly, sleep quality decreases due to frequent awakenings and discomfort.


Insomnia in Menopause


Insomnia is chronic difficulty falling or staying asleep that occurs more than three nights a week. People with insomnia do not have a regular sleep cycle, sleep restlessly, and wake up early. This causes them to feel sleepy and tired during the day.


One in seven adults suffers from chronic insomnia. For women, this number almost doubles, with one in four women experiencing insomnia symptoms. Insomnia is even more common among menopausal women. After menopause, 61 percent of women experience insomnia. Sleep deprivation caused by insomnia causes headaches, increases anxiety and irritability, and impairs focus and memory.


What Can Be Done to Sleep Better During Menopause?


If you are experiencing sleep problems related to menopause, you should first consult your family doctor. Because your family doctor knows your personal medical history, he or she will recommend appropriate treatment options for you, such as medications and lifestyle changes that can improve your sleep. The following tips will help you create a better quality life and sleep pattern during menopause.


Healthy Lifestyle Habits


Maintain your weight and diet. Higher body weights are associated with sleep apnea, and women tend to gain weight after menopause. Avoid heavy meals, spicy and acidic foods before going to bed.


Avoid nicotine, caffeine and alcohol, especially in the late afternoon and evening. These substances can disrupt your sleep and reduce your sleep quality.


Proper Sleeping Environment Arrangements


Wear lightweight, moisture-wicking clothing to stay cool at night. Likewise, replace your bedding with cooler fabrics made from natural fibers such as cotton.


Keep your bedroom cool. You can turn on the air conditioner at night or place a fan next to your bed to further cool the air and increase air circulation.


Regular Sleep Routine


Create a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. To avoid affecting your sleep at night, avoid taking naps during the day, especially for more than 20 minutes.


To avoid interrupting your sleep at night and waking up early in the morning, go to the toilet before going to sleep. Try not to drink liquids a few hours before bed.

Improve Sleep Quality with Organic Mattress Toppers During Menopause


Choosing the Right Mattress


Sleep in the right bed! Mattress selection is extremely important to improve the sleep quality of menopausal women. Mattresses that balance body temperature, prevent sweating, take body shape and provide orthopedic support help improve sleep quality in menopause. Organic mattress and mattress toppers, produced from natural and organic materials, have many advantages in this regard. Organic mattress topper provides good air flow and minimizes sweating during sleep thanks to its breathable structure. This feature is very useful for women who struggle with problems such as hot flashes during menopause. 


The airy structure of these mattresses and mattress toppers, produced with natural materials, prevents the formation of mites such as bacteria, dust, fungus and mold and provides a healthier sleeping environment, away from allergic reactions. In addition, mattress toppers using natural latex are a flexible and durable material due to the structure of this material. It distributes body weight evenly, preventing excessive pressure on any point. It creates a comfortable and relaxing sleeping environment by supporting the natural position of the spine.


Sleep problems during menopause are not only caused by physical changes. It is possible to have a better quality sleep experience with the right treatment methods, lifestyle changes and especially choosing the right mattress. To combat insomnia, it will always be best to seek help from experts and seek personalized solutions. For this reason, if you have entered menopause, you should definitely consult your doctor and make sure that you sleep in the right bed for your sleep quality and general health.

Improve Sleep Quality with Organic Mattress Toppers During Menopause


Special Sleep Experience from WoW Futon


WoW Futon organic mattress and organic mattress toppers are produced from natural latex, linen, bamboo, merino wool, alpaca wool and natural cotton and care about your health and comfort. It offers sleep solutions according to your physical characteristics and sleeping habits.

Explore WoW Futon Mattresses that provide organic and healthy sleep with its certified natural ingredients. Visit the Amazon store and find a variety of WoW Futon Organic Mattress and Mattress Toppers that will bring you comfort and quality.

See More Great Natural and Organic Sleep Posts on Wow Futon Blog Page


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