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Relieve the Fatigue of the Year with Healthy Sleep

Humans, along with many living creatures in nature, have adapted to 24-hour periods of light and darkness, which we call the biological clock. This hour requires an average sleep period of 8 hours (range 6 to 9 hours) each night. People's need for healthy sleep is genetically determined. However, 90% of the population sleeps and needs 7.5-8 hours, which we all know as ideal. While a group of 5% sleep for less than 6 hours, the remaining 5% need 12 hours or more to sleep. We can understand our ideal amount of sleep simply by feeling rested in the morning and our performance during the day.

Healthy Sleep with WoW Futon Mattress Topper

What is Healthy Sleep?

According to scientific studies, under normal conditions, the time spent sleeping should be approximately 7-8 hours for a person to regain his daily energy and live a healthy life. Sleep duration may vary depending on age, job, and gender. Since sleep is a physical need, people with sleep deprivation may experience irregularities in certain chemicals in their blood, resulting in health problems such as fatigue and exhaustion. Sleep disorders also negatively affect mental health, resulting in problems such as difficulty concentrating and decreased work efficiency.

Why Is Healthy Sleep Disrupted?

Insomnia, which is a common problem today, may arise as a result of many physical and psychological health problems, and insomnia itself can cause the development of many health problems. The underlying cause of insomnia is usually psychological problems such as depression and anxiety. Healthy sleep can be defined as the principles and rules necessary for regular and continuous quality sleep. More broadly, choosing sleep products such as organic and high-quality beds, pillows, sheets and pajamas that help a quality sleep, choosing behaviors such as exercise and healthy nutrition, avoiding harmful habits such as smoking and alcohol that disrupt sleep quality, and consuming drinks with high caffeine content such as tea and coffee. 

How to Improve Healthy Sleep Quality?

If sleep disorders are related to a physical or mental health problem, you should first consult a specialist doctor to eliminate the health problem causing insomnia. In sleep problems that are not related to any health problem, adopting some behaviors and avoiding others may help improve sleep quality. So how to increase healthy sleep quality? Some suggestions for healthy sleep can be listed as follows:

Exercise Regularly

One of the positive effects of regular exercise is that it helps improve sleep quality. According to scientific studies, doing 20-30 minute exercises at least 4-5 days a week increases body resistance and helps a healthy sleep. Exercises performed 3 hours before bedtime also ensure that the transition to healthy sleep is easy and REM sleep is of high quality. 

Keeping Sleeping Hours the Same

Our body has the principle of working according to a certain order. The majority of people tend to change their sleeping hours during holidays when they don't have to go to work the next day. Doing this negatively affects sleep quality.

Pay Attention to Your Nutrition

The glucose level in the blood of people who consume excessive amounts of fat and carbohydrates during the day suddenly rises and falls. This may cause an increased need for sleep during the day and difficulty sleeping at night. Sleep problems are less common in people who eat rich in milk and dairy products. In addition, a diet rich in vegetables and fruits also positively affects sleep quality. The time of dinner affects sleep quality as much as the nutrients in the diet. Eating and drinking in the hours close to sleep (2-3 hours before) can negatively affect falling asleep.

Reduce and Limit Alcohol and Tobacco

There is an inverse relationship between the use of alcohol and tobacco products and sleep quality. The stimulating effect of nicotine contained in tobacco products negatively affects sleep quality. At the same time, the majority of people who use tobacco products experience complaints such as shortness of breath, cough, and related sleep problems. Alcohol also has a negative effect on healthy sleep. Disruption of brain activities in people who consume excessive alcohol may cause the sleep part of the brain to work incorrectly. People who state that they sleep well after drinking alcohol may wake up more later than other people and feel more tired in the morning because their sleep is constantly interrupted.

Reduce Caffeine

Another substance that has a stimulating effect on the body is caffeine. Sleep problems are common in people who consume high caffeine content such as tea and coffee during the day.

Learn to Cope with Stress

Stress is an important condition that can cause many health problems. When we look at people suffering from sleep disorders, we see that the majority of them are under intense stress. According to scientific research, sleep duration is shortened in people experiencing intense stress, while sleep quality and efficiency decrease. For this reason, it is necessary to learn ways to keep stress under control by getting help from an expert if necessary. Listening to music and doing exercises such as yoga and pilates can help reduce stress. In addition, breathing exercises performed before sleep can increase the body's oxygen capacity and make falling asleep easier.

Arranging the Great Sleeping Environment

Sleep enviroment is one of the main factors affecting healthy sleep. You can choose WoW Futon mattresses and mattress toppers, which use quality and completely natural and organic materials. Natural materials such as cotton, merino wool, alpaca wool, linen and bamboo used in WoW Futon beds act as natural air conditioning with their breathable structures. They can be easily preferred both in winter and summer.

Comfortable and Health Sleep with WoW Futon Mattress Topper

However, sleep can be affected by external stimuli such as light and noise. Therefore, it is important that the preferred environment for sleeping is dark and quiet. In addition, the humidity and temperature values of the environment must be within appropriate ranges. It may be difficult to fall asleep and maintain the REM phase of sleep in an extremely hot or cold room. According to scientific research, the temperature of the room during sleep should be less than 75.2 degrees Fahrenheit.

Meet WoW Futon Organic Mattress Topper which offers healthy and comfortable sleep with certified natural ingredients. Visit the Amazon store and get a healthy sleep with various WoW Futon sleep products.


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