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Sleep Better: The Role of Exercise in Improving Sleep Quality

Exercise is emerging as a powerful but often underutilized tool in the quest for better sleep. While the benefits of exercise on physical health are widely acknowledged, its impact on sleep quality is less well-reported. In this article, we will discuss how incorporating regular physical activity into your routine can significantly improve your sleep quality and contribute to overall well-being and vitality.

exercise for sleep

Understanding the Sleep and Exercise Connection Correctly


Exercise and sleep share a reciprocal relationship. Just as quality sleep energizes your workouts, regular exercise can pave the way to more restorative sleep. This relationship is based on a variety of physiological and psychological mechanisms that, when harmonized, can take your sleep quality to new heights.


How Does Exercise Affect Sleep?


Exercising regularly has many benefits. This includes reduced risk of diseases such as cancer and diabetes, improved physical function and higher quality of life. For many people, exercise also improves sleep. In adults, moderate to vigorous exercise may improve sleep quality by reducing the time it takes to fall asleep and the time spent awake in bed at night. Additionally, physical activity may help relieve daytime sleepiness and reduce the need for sleeping pills in some people.


Physiological Effect


·      Temperature Regulation: Exercise increases body temperature, and the drop in temperature after exercise signals to your body that it is time to sleep, making it easier for you to fall asleep faster.


·      Hormonal Balance: Physical activity can affect the balance of hormones that regulate sleep. It increases serotonin levels, which are associated with improved mood and reduced stress, and reduces cortisol, the stress hormone, in the long term.


Psychological Benefits


·      Reduces Stress: Exercise is a powerful stress reliever. By reducing stress and anxiety, it paves the way for a peaceful mind that allows for better sleep.


·      Provides Cognitive Engagement: Regular physical activity can tire the mind in a healthy way, ensuring your brain is ready to shut down and fall into deep sleep when it's time for bed.


Best Types and Timings of Exercise for Sleep


While almost any type of exercise can improve sleep quality, the type and timing of exercise can further enhance sleep benefits.


Aerobic Exercise


Cardiovascular activities such as running, cycling or swimming have been shown to significantly improve sleep quality, especially when done at moderate intensity. They not only help fall asleep faster, but also increase the duration of deep sleep.


Strength Training


Resistance exercises contribute to muscle fatigue, which can help your body feel more ready for a night's sleep. Additionally, research has linked strength training to improvements in sleep apnea and insomnia.


Yoga and Mind-Body Practices


Yoga, tai chi and similar mind-body exercises promote relaxation and relief from stress and are ideal for improving sleep quality, especially when practiced in the evening

exercise for sleep


Is Exercising Before Bed Harmful?


The question of whether exercise in the hours before bed contributes to poor sleep quality has been hotly debated for years. Conventional sleep hygiene holds that intense exercise three hours before bedtime can negatively impact sleep because it can increase heart rate, body temperature, and adrenaline levels. On the other hand, some studies have also revealed that exercising before bed may not have any negative effects.


One study found that the majority of people who exercised at 8 p.m. or later fell asleep quickly, experienced adequate deep sleep, and felt well-rested when they woke up. Participants who exercised between 4pm and 8pm reported similar percentages across these criteria, suggesting that evening exercise actually benefits some people.


Other studies have yielded similar results. In one study, subjects who exercised in the evening reported slower wave sleep and longer rapid eye movement sleep latency, as well as less stage 1 (or light) sleep, compared to the control group. However, researchers also found that higher body temperature, which can occur after intense exercise, is associated with lower sleep efficiency and longer wake-up time after sleep onset. Although exercising before bed is not inherently harmful, intense exercise in the hour before bed can affect sleep efficiency and overall sleep duration.

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