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Sleep Disorder: Avoid Relationship Problems and Support Those Affected

If someone is having trouble sleeping, it often affects people around them as well. As a partner, you're probably asking yourself: "How do sleep disorders occur?" and “What can be done about these?” You may also worry about whether sleep disturbance will cause relationship problems. In this article, we will get answers to your questions and show you how you can support your loved ones on their path to healthy sleep.

Sleep Disorder: Avoid Relationship Problems

First Sleep Disorder, Then Relationship Problems?


Almost everyone deals with a bad night from time to time; Too little, too late, or restless sleep can rob us of much of our energy. What if “sometimes” becomes “almost always”? If sleep problems occur at least three times a week for 3 months and affect our emotions during the day, it is called a sleep disorder.


Sleep disorders include difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, and early waking. The general common thread: sleep is experienced as less restorative and less enjoyable. Those affected often feel tired and exhausted despite their sleep. Inner restlessness, dissatisfaction and inner anger are a common result. People with sleep disorders often have particularly irritable reactions. Affected individuals may look for someone to blame for their suffering; In this case, sleep disturbance can cause relationship problems and lead to frequent arguments.


How Are Sleep Disorders Revealed and Treated?


In order to support your loved one and prevent relationship problems caused by sleep disorders, it will be useful to have information about the development and treatment of sleep disorders. Here is some brief information:


There may be many causes of sleep disturbance. Triggers can be, for example, fear of change, acute and chronic stress, or excessive demands in daily life. Relationship problems can also cause sleep disorders. Your partner's snoring or restless sleep can be major stressors.


It is not uncommon for a vicious circle to arise: Negative thoughts such as “I just want to relax” or “It will definitely be another sleepless night” disrupt your inner peace and keep you awake. Poor sleep habits, such as irregular sleep times, contribute to perpetuating problems. But pain, physical or mental illnesses can also be related to ongoing sleep problems. We have shown the links for you here:


Various treatment methods have been developed in recent years to break the vicious cycle of insomnia.


On the one hand, there are the rules of sleep hygiene. This includes, above all, a conscious lifestyle with regular exercise and healthy nutrition. Another method is to shorten the bedtime. The goal here is to consciously sleep less, but then sleep regularly and consistently. This is achieved by the fact that those affected go to bed only when they are very tired and, which is especially important, always get up at the same time. Stimulus control is also a good technique for treating sleep disorders. The goal is to reconnect the bed (stimulus) to its original function (sleep). Activities that are not related to sleep, such as watching television, working, or eating, should be prohibited in bed. Exception: sexual or sleep-inducing activities.


Before Sleep Disorders Cause Relationship Problems: Support Your Loved Ones


The struggle for healthy sleep is often tiring and challenging for those affected. After all, rest during sleep is half the fight for our well-being during the day. This is exactly why the support of their relatives is very important for those who have sleep problems. We will show you 5 tips on how you can support your loved ones and thus prevent relationship problems caused by sleep disorders.


Providing Information


The first step in support may be to talk to your loved one about their personal experiences, in addition to informing yourself about the history, symptoms, and possible treatments for sleep disorders.


Discuss Changes


Treatment of sleep disorders often brings about significant changes in the daily life of those affected: no Netflix in bed, less caffeine and no large meals in the evening – this often affects the relationship as well. First of all, the regularity of sleep, that is, always waking up at the same time (even on weekends), can make it difficult to live together. For some patients who practice so-called bedtime shortening, this also means staying awake longer in the evening and/or waking up earlier in the morning.


Think together about what precautions you can take to get through this period well. This doesn't necessarily mean you need to change your sleep either. However, it may be helpful for those affected to not have to make the changes alone and to find new routines in daily life with their loved ones. For example, a common morning routine.


Showing Understanding


Lack of sleep is often reflected in your mood. This can lead to increased sensitivity, irritability, and imbalance, especially when bedtime is shortened. Especially now, those affected need understanding and appreciation from their loved ones. How can you support your loved one? Maybe you plan a trip together as a reward for your efforts or celebrate the change together. In this way, you can breathe deeply and cope more easily with arguments and relationship problems caused by sleep disorders.


It is also important that the change can cause those affected to be less focused and have difficulty staying awake during the day. It is especially important to pay attention to this in traffic and when using machines. Maybe during this special time you can relieve the other person of some of the workload, such as driving to work together.

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Sleep Disorder: Avoid Relationship Problems


Protect Your Own Needs


Such a change can also be stressful for relatives. Although you want to show support and understanding, the most important thing is of course that the affected person makes the changes themselves. You may also feel that your sleep is affected by waking up early in the morning, waking up frequently at night, or going to bed late. Even small, temporary measures can make a big difference here: for example, using a sleeping mask to feel less uncomfortable, or couples can also temporarily decide to have separate bedrooms for different bedding needs.

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