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Synthetic vs Natural Pillow Fillings: What's the Difference for Better Sleep?

Decided to buy a new pillow and not sure whether to choose synthetic or natural pillow filling? 

There are a wide variety of pillow fillings on the market, and it can be difficult to decide which one best suits your needs. An important decision you need to make is choosing between synthetic and natural pillow fillings. There are some important differences between these two types of pillow filling, especially in terms of their materials. Synthetic pillow fillings are usually made from synthetic materials such as polyester, microfiber or polypropylene. These materials are generally cheaper than natural materials. But they may also be less breathable and feel warmer than natural pillow fillings. Natural pillow fillings are mostly made from materials such as wool, cotton, linen or bamboo. These materials are generally higher quality than synthetic materials and can also provide a more breathable and comfortable sleeping environment. However, they may be more sensitive to dirt and allergies and may need to be cleaned more frequently.

WoW Futon Organic Merino Wool Pillow


What are Synthetic Pillow Fillings?


Synthetic pillow fillings contain man-made materials as opposed to natural materials that come from nature. Some examples of synthetic pillow fillings include:


·      Polyester: Polyester is a synthetic fabric often used for pillow filling. It is durable, easy to maintain and inexpensive, but warmer and less breathable than natural materials.


·      Microfiber: Microfiber is a very thin synthetic fabric often used for pillow filling. It is very light and soft but warmer and less breathable than natural materials.


·      Polypropylene: Polypropylene is a synthetic plastic frequently used in pillow fillings. It is durable, easy to maintain and inexpensive, but warmer and less breathable than natural materials.


Other synthetic materials such as plastic or foam fiber are also used for pillow filling. It's important to note that synthetic pillow fillings are generally less breathable and warmer than natural pillow fillings. However, synthetic materials are not environmentally friendly.


What are Natural Pillow Fillings?


Natural pillow fillings contain materials that come from nature, as opposed to man-made synthetic materials. Some examples of natural pillow fillings include:


·      Wool: Wool is a natural material obtained from merino sheep and alpaca. It is comfortable to use in pillows as it is breathable and can regulate body temperature. Wool is also hypoallergenic and is often recommended for people with allergies. But wool is also more expensive than synthetic materials and needs to be cleaned more often. It can provide a comfortable sleep.


·      Cotton: Cotton is a natural material obtained from the cotton plant. It is breathable and easy to care for, and is often used in pillows and other home textiles. Cotton is also hypoallergenic and is often recommended for people with allergies. However, cotton can wrinkle and need to be ironed frequently.


·      Linen: Linen is known for its durability and high quality. Linen pillows are not only gorgeous and eco-friendly, but also extremely comfortable. People love them because they are a durable and easy-care fiber.


·      Bamboo: Since bamboo pillows are naturally hypoallergenic and breathable, they are just as effective at absorbing sweat and moisture. This keeps you cooler and more comfortable at night, including during the warmer months.


Natural pillow fillings generally offer a more comfortable sleeping environment than synthetic pillow fillings because they are more breathable and less hot. However, they are generally more expensive and require more frequent cleaning. Although natural pillow fillings are considered hypoallergenic, it is important to remember that they can also cause allergies. Therefore, if you are prone to allergies, you should be careful when choosing natural pillow fillings and, if necessary, choose a hypoallergenic pillow. In general, natural pillow fillings provide a more comfortable sleeping environment and are hypoallergenic, but they are also more expensive and require more frequent cleaning. It is important to consider your own needs and preferences when choosing pillow filling.

WoW Futon Merino Wool Pillow

What is the Environmental Impact of Synthetic and Natural Pillow Fillings?


Synthetic pillow fillings and natural pillow fillings have different environmental impacts.


Synthetic pillow fillings are made from non-biodegradable synthetic polymer fibers. When disposed of at the end of their lives, they remain in the environment and take up space in landfills. Synthetic pillow fillings can also contribute to global warming by releasing greenhouse gases throughout their life cycle.


Natural pillow fillings are made from biodegradable natural materials such as cotton, wool, bamboo and linen. Therefore, they cause less harm to the environment when disposed of at the end of their useful life. However, natural pillow fillings can also release greenhouse gases when produced and transported; however, these effects are generally lower than those of synthetic pillow fillings.


In general, synthetic pillow fillings have a greater impact on the environment than natural pillow fillings because they are not biodegradable and release greenhouse gases throughout their life cycle.


Therefore, if you want to be more environmentally friendly, you can choose natural pillow filling.

With WoW Futon, create your perfect natural and organic sleeping environment. WoW Futon's Organic Pillows provide organic and healthy sleep with its certified natural ingredients such as bamboo, merino wool, cotton, alpaca wool, linen and natural latex. Visit the Amazon store and find a variety of WoW Futon Organic Bedding Products that will bring you comfort and quality.

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