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The New Difference: What Foods and Situations Induce Sleep?

Sleep, our natural form of rest, is one of the most important of our bodily functions. However, many reasons such as depression, stress, amphetamines, antidepressant drugs, hunger, satiety, light, loud noise, cigarettes, tea, coffee, and preoccupation affect our sleep quality. Insomnia or poor quality sleep is the cause of many health problems. Of course, there are things that make you sleepy. Let's take a look at foods that make you sleepy.

Foods That Make You Sleep

Foods That Make You Sleep


Cherries are a fruit that has high levels of melatonin, which regulates the sleep cycle and improves sleep quality. This allows you to fall asleep faster, according to research published in the European Journal of Food. Cherries have an important place among sleep-inducing foods and are recommended to be consumed in all seasons.


Bananas are loaded with potassium and magnesium. These ingredients won't refuel your muscles after exercise. Magnesium also acts as a natural sleep aid.

Rolled Oats

A warm bowl of oatmeal will soothe you comfortably: Whole grains like oats are richer in the amino acid tryptophan, which your body uses to make serotonin and melatonin. Oatmeal improves your mood and relaxes the brain and body. This snack can create and maintain stable sleep cycles.


Cereals such as corn flakes are more beneficial to the brain with the carbohydrate tryptophan they contain, so carbohydrate-rich meals help you sleep without any problems. Drizzle some milk over the cereal and consume it like that.

Leafy Vegetables

Greens like spinach, Swiss chard, kale and so on; It provides a healthy dose of sleep-inducing magnesium, as well as calcium, which can help boost melatonin and keep your circadian rhythm on track.


Walnuts are a naturally rich source of tryptophan, the sleep-enhancing amino acid that helps make serotonin and melatonin. In fact, walnuts contain their own sources of melatonin, which may help you fall asleep faster because they increase melatonin concentrations in your blood, according to research published in Nutrition Journal.


Pineapple fruit increases melatonin levels in your blood, which helps you sleep soundly by increasing the antioxidant capacity of melatonin.

Fish Containing Omega 3

Salmon, mackerel and other fatty fish contain magnesium and omega 3 fatty acids that help you sleep. Just be careful what kind of fish you eat. Some fish cannot be farmed or caught sustainably and may be bad for your health.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds shouldn't just be a seasonal snack. You should frequently consume pumpkin seeds, which are known for their sleep-inducing properties.

Sleep-Inducing Drinks

Now let's look at some sleep-inducing drinks.

Cherry Juice

Drink half a cup of cherry juice about an hour before bedtime every night to help you sleep. If you want to follow the above protocol, it is recommended to drink two cups of cherry juice a day, in the morning and before going to bed.

Hot Milk

Hot drinks also have a natural sedative quality that relaxes you. Be sure to test the psychological effect of hot milk before sleep. If you want to increase your chances of sleeping, try drinking hemp milk, which has an important place among sleep-inducing drinks, to get your dose of omega-3s.

Coconut Water

You can go to a natural food market and cut a fresh coconut for your coconut water, or use quality, natural prepackaged coconut water.

Chamomile-Lavender Tea

Lavender and chamomile are a frequently recommended remedy for insomnia or sleep difficulties. It has been used as a relaxant since the Middle Ages and is said to relieve pain in the brain. What most people don't realize is that sleep-inducing teas are not limited to aroma therapy alone. Lavender is known as a mild sedative and has been shown to promote drowsiness, while also improving sleep quality. In fact, researchers have found that it increases slow-wave sleep, also known as deep sleep.

Deep sleep is critical to health because it is necessary for memory consolidation and processing. Growth hormone is also secreted during deep sleep, which helps regulate cell reproduction, growth, and cell renewal.

Lemon Balsamic Tea

Enjoy a glass of lemon balsamic tea. You can buy a good quality ready-made tea bag or pour about 6 spoons of hot water over a tablespoon of fresh lemon wax leaves and boil for 15 minutes.

Sleep Inducing Suggestions

Now that we've talked about foods and drinks that make you sleepy, let's look at different suggestions that can make you feel sleepy and make it easier for you to fall asleep directly.

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It is impossible to fall asleep with a calm and serene mind in a stuffy and dusty room. The best thing you can do at this stage is to ventilate your room and put your belongings back in place. You can create a peaceful sleeping environment by regularly renewing sheets and duvet covers. We recommend that you use sleep products made from natural and organic materials.

Dark Environment

Melatonin hormone prefers dark environments to be secreted. Melatonin, which is secreted most intensely between 20.00 and 23.00 in the evening when the sun sets, is directly related to sleep quality. For this reason, the lights in the sleeping place should be turned off whenever possible. Night lights and room lights are not suitable for falling asleep. Moreover, it is frequently emphasized by experts that there is a difference in quality and efficiency between sleeping in the dark and sleeping in the light.

Evening Sports

Among the sleep-inducing solutions, the one that works the fastest and makes a difference in the long run is sports! You can go for a walk or run in the evening after dinner; You can move your daily exercise to evening hours. Thus, your body will be tired enough and you will want to rest spontaneously. You don't particularly need to go to the gym; Taking a few brisk laps near the house, breathing deeply and filling your lungs with fresh air will also be sufficient.

Meditation and Relaxing Music

Side effect of modern life: Depression and anxiety disorder! Many of us are trying to deal with this problem; So you are not alone. All the external factors we are exposed to during the day remain in our minds as anxious thought patterns, and this disrupts our sleep patterns. At this stage, you can have a better sleep pattern than you ever expected with guided meditation and breathing exercises. You can also lie in bed and follow the directions with free meditation apps or videos; In many videos, you won't even need to do anything special; The sentences spoken and calm tones of voice will automatically relax you. If you do not want to hear any 'sentences' or 'words' before sleep, you can calm yourself down by listening to sleep-inducing music.

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