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The Relationship Between Sleep Apnea and Bed Selection

We can briefly define sleep apnea, one of the disorders we have heard about a lot lately, as the interruption of breathing during sleep. Sleep apnea is the second most common sleep disorder, especially in recent years, after insomnia. At the same time, in sleep apnea syndrome, suffocation may occur for a few seconds while sleeping. Although these drownings are not life-threatening, the sudden decrease in the oxygen level in the blood suddenly wakes up the body to inform the brain that respiratory activities have stopped. People with this problem can usually wake up from their sleep at least a few times, and people whose sleep is constantly interrupted may not have a sound sleep and may have difficulty remembering the next day.

Sleep Apnea

What Causes Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is observed in 3 different ways. These syndromes are central, obstructive and mixed types. In central sleep apnea, the brain does not give the command to breathe and breathing is suddenly stopped due to brain origin. Central type sleep apnea syndrome is also called sleep-disordered breathing.

Sleep apnea causes breathing to be interrupted during sleep. Sleep apnea syndrome is more common in people who snore loudly, are overweight, struggle with high blood pressure, or have a nose or throat disorder. All respiratory diseases that start in the nose and extend to the mouth and cause narrowing and obstruction of the airways can cause sleep apnea. It may be associated with high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, daytime sleepiness, and heart attack. Sleep apnea can often develop with other diseases caused by sleep problems.

Choosing the Wrong Mattress and Pillow

One of the most important factors causing sleep apnea syndrome is choosing the wrong mattress and pillow. If our bed and pillow, on which we spend an average of eight hours a day, are not in suitable conditions, they can cause many problems such as sleep apnea. If you are not comfortable during your sleep, if you do not sleep in a way that supports your body anatomy and if you do not have a suitable bed, you may have difficulty breathing, not be able to fall asleep comfortably, and as a result of all this, you may have to struggle with disorders such as sleep apnea. For this, you should choose a bed that suits you, your needs and desires. When choosing a bed, you should choose a bed where you can fall asleep most easily. The time it takes to fall asleep is very important in sleep disorders caused by the respiratory tract, such as sleep apnea. When you experience certain conditions such as sweating, muscle and bone pain, the time it takes to fall asleep becomes longer. If you get hot in your bed and have sweating problems, you should definitely choose bedding with natural ingredients.

Since sleep apnea is a disorder caused by the upper respiratory tract, pillow selection is one of the issues you should pay most attention to. For a person who sleeps for an average of eight hours, his pillow is as important as his bed during his sleep. Especially if you have respiratory disorders, you should first review your pillow choice. Your sleeping position is also important when choosing a pillow. If you like to sleep on your side and fall asleep on your side, you should choose a pillow according to your shoulder width. If you prefer to lie face down for a long part of your sleep time, soft and not too high pillows will be suitable for you.

Wrong Sleep Environment

In sleep apnea, the environment in which you sleep is as important as the choice of bed and pillow. If you are afraid of the dark and are used to sleeping in a bright environment, this may also cause sleep apnea. We get sleepy faster in the dark and our body starts to prepare itself for sleep by going to rest time. However, if you prefer to sleep in a bright room instead of a dark environment, your body will not automatically perceive that it is evening and will think that you are still in the daily time zone. Sleeping in such a bright environment can cause sleep apnea and cause the regression of some hormonal activities.

What Should the Sleeping Position Be Like for Sleep Apnea?

One of the things that triggers sleep apnea is the sleeping position. According to research, side sleeping positions facing the right and left minimize snoring. Because when your head is on its side, you breathe more easily and send more oxygen to your lungs. This helps solve many other sleep problems along with sleep apnea, such as momentary suffocation, interruptions in breathing and snoring. If you are struggling with sleep apnea, you first need to look at your sleeping position. As a first solution, you can try lying on your side, facing right or left. If you do not have difficulty sleeping on your side and can fall asleep comfortably, you can choose a pillow that is medium hard and not too high, suitable for the side sleeping position. However, if you have difficulty sleeping on your side despite all your attempts, you should find the sleeping position that is most comfortable for you. Once you find the sleeping position that makes you feel most comfortable and where you can fall asleep easily, and choose the appropriate pillow and mattress, you will observe that your complaints will decrease.

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WoW Futon Mattress and Pillows

Choosing Mattresses and Pillows in WoW Futon

WoW Futon has certified natural content pillows, futon mattresses and mattress toppers. Among these, you can choose the best quality pillows and mattresses that suit your wishes and needs and create a healthy sleeping environment where you will feel most comfortable in your fight against sleep apnea.

Explore WoW Futon Mattresses that provide organic and healthy sleep products with its certified natural ingredients. Visit the Amazon store and find a variety of WoW Futon Organic Beds that will bring you comfort and quality.


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