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The Secret to Good Sleep: Sleep Hygiene

Sleep is one of the basic needs of living things. Sleeping well;


·      Starting the day with a rested body.

·      Becoming more energetic and efficient in daily life.

·      It allows you to focus attention more easily.

sleep hygiene

Why Do You Have Sleep Deprivation?


Research shows that stress experienced in basic areas of daily life such as work, school and family life can reduce sleep quality. Thoughts that occupy the mind before sleep; intense emotions; Even the meals eaten during the day affect the quality of sleep and the process of falling asleep. As a result, different sleep problems may be experienced, such as difficulty falling asleep, inability to sleep, inability to wake up, frequent interruptions of sleep, and inability to get sleep no matter how much sleep you get. Sleep problems are among the problems that many people frequently experience and complain about today.


What are the consequences of being sleep deprived?


Insomnia has various negative effects on daily life. Some of those;


·      Fatigue and exhaustion

·      Need to sleep during the day

·      Difficulty concentrating

·      Decline in academic achievement

·      Decline in productivity in business life

·      Difficulty keeping up with daily tasks (such as cleaning the house, walking the dog, picking up the child from school)

·      It can be listed as staying away from social activities due to lack of energy.


Due to the results mentioned above and similar ones, the person may find himself in a life that he does not want and is not satisfied with, and may feel emotions such as sadness, anxiety, and anger intensely or for a long time.


What Can Be Done to Cope with Insomnia?


A study shows that more than 33% of people suffer from insomnia at some point in their lives for different reasons. The success of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in solving sleep problems has been shown by studies. With therapy, sleep problems and the troubles they bring can be solved by choosing methods that are suitable for the person's routine and that are good for the person. One of the frequently used methods when trying to solve sleep problems is sleep hygiene practices. Sleep hygiene includes activities related to the process of falling asleep and arranging the bedroom in order to protect physical and psychological health. With sleep hygiene, the aim is for the person to establish a bedtime-wake-up routine and have a good night's sleep. Thus, the problems that come with sleep problems are relieved and improved.


1. Not Delaying Going to Bed


When you feel the need to sleep at night, activities such as engaging in intense personal care processes and trying to clean up a mess at home before going to bed delay the time to go to bed. Delaying going to bed makes it harder to fall asleep once you're in bed. Instead of doing some work before going to bed, resting for a while without doing anything makes it easier to sleep. When a person feels sleepy, he or she can go to bed after a short preparation. Therefore, moving the work done before bedtime into the day shortens the time spent lingering before sleep. For example, activities that are reserved for before sleep, such as skin care, can be moved to the evening hours.


2. Preparing for Sleep Physically and Mentally


Avoiding intense exercises and heavy foods and drinks close to bedtime are physical preparations that make the process of falling asleep easier. As bedtime approaches, the body biologically prepares itself for sleep. During this preparation of the body, the brain and body are stimulated when heavy foods are consumed or exercise is performed. Metabolism accelerates to digest the food consumed and to provide enough energy for exercise. Stimulating the body in this way delays the time it takes to fall asleep.


Avoiding computer and mobile phone use close to bedtime also positively affects falling asleep and sleep quality. Spending a long time in front of the phone or computer close to bedtime disrupts the balance of the sleep hormone in the body, causing sleep problems. Especially when activities that require concentration, such as work or homework, are left to night time, they make it difficult to fall asleep because they keep the mind awake.


3. Organizing the Sleep Environment


You can use mattresses and sleep products that are breathable and made from completely natural ingredients in your sleeping environment. However, for a good sleep, the bedroom should be used only for sleeping. Bedroom, bed and pajamas are stimuli that remind people of sleep. When used for different purposes, their relationship with sleep is disrupted. Nowadays, with working from home becoming more common, the working environment has moved into the bedroom. The presence of items such as a desk or computer in the sleeping environment stimulates the mind and makes it difficult to fall asleep. Therefore, it is necessary to separate the bedroom and the working environment. Of course, the physical facilities of the house may not be suitable for separating these two environments. In this case, even changing the sleeping direction would be an effective solution. In this way, you can fall asleep easily while being protected from the stimulating effects of the working environment. Similarly, the bed should be used for sleeping purposes only. Activities such as eating in bed, watching TV series, and browsing social media disrupt the relationship between bed and sleep and make it difficult to sleep. Finally, separate clothes should be worn for sleeping. Going to bed wearing the clothes you wear at home or walking around the house in pajamas all day causes the pajama-sleep relationship to deteriorate. Wearing pajamas warns the person that it is time to sleep as a preparation before going to bed. Thus, you are ready to sleep and it becomes easier to fall asleep.

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