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We Love Sleep: So How Much Sleep Is Enough?

Updated: Apr 19

We know how important it is to get a good night's sleep, but have you ever wondered how much sleep is enough sleep? Whether you're an adult, teenager, or elderly, you want to make sure you're getting the right amount of sleep. Oversleeping or under sleeping can significantly impact mental and physical health. It can also affect your cognitive functions, making it difficult to perform daily tasks.

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To ensure everyone gets the healthy sleep necessary for restorative purposes, we spoke to numerous sleep experts and health practitioners who know exactly how much sleep is enough. If you're ready to discover the ideal sleep duration for different age groups, read on.


Get Enough Sleep


We should make an effort to get enough sleep. 7-8 hours of sleep is required for adults. If you cannot get the sleep you want depending on your age, make an effort to improve your sleep quality. You can invest in premium bedding products such as natural and organic mattresses and mattress toppers to improve your sleep quality and enjoy uninterrupted sleep. Some people feel restless and lack of energy even after sleeping for the desired hours, which often indicates poor sleep quality. If you want to rejuvenate while sleeping and benefit from all the benefits of a healthy sleep, you should focus on having a peaceful sleep.


Sleeping More or Less than Ideal Sleeping Hours


Even though you rely on quality and natural bedding materials to achieve healthy sleep, you may sleep more or less than ideal sleep hours (7-8 hours for adults). There may be various reasons behind this, but the two most important reasons are genetic structure and sleep quality. Let's look at each point in detail.




In most cases, a person's genetics determine how much sleep a person needs daily. Specific genetic mutations also determine how much sleep you need, how your body responds to sleep deprivation, when is the best time to sleep, and more. For example, one person may need at least seven hours of sleep, while a different person may only need six hours of sleep due to certain genetic mutations.


You may also find people who need eight hours or more of sleep to reap its numerous health benefits. It is not possible to change your genetic makeup in a way that will affect your sleep level and quality. Therefore, focusing on uninterrupted, restful sleep would be the most logical goal. You can use a natural and organic mattress topper and other natural sleep products that promote healthy sleep.


Sleep Quality


Surprisingly, your sleep quality can determine how much sleep your body needs. For example, people with poor sleep quality may feel exhausted even after sleeping for seven or more hours. On the other hand, people with good sleep quality can manage with less sleep hours. Poor sleep quality and short sleep duration are the main culprits of many sleep-related health problems. Therefore, it is very important to focus on quality sleep, not sufficient sleep.


If your sleep quality is constantly affected, you can check your sleep environment to find the problem. Investing in quality bedding materials, such as an organic mattress topper, can help improve your overall sleep quality. You can also get yourself checked to determine if you have any chronic sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, that affect your sleep cycle and quality. The more you improve your sleep quality, the better you feel.


Effective Tips for a Better Sleep


You should focus on achieving the ideal sleep time. However, if for some reason you are not getting the sleep you want, follow the tips below to improve your sleep quality, cycle and pattern.


Stick to a Regular Sleep Routine


One of the best ways to achieve quality sleep is to create a sleep routine and stick to it. When you stick to a routine, your internal clock begins to regulate. Finally, it helps you get healthy sleep, which is essential for restorative purposes.


Develop a Calming Environment


The environment plays a very important role in regulating your sleep cycle. It becomes difficult to fall asleep when your environment is cluttered and chaotic. However, when you start creating a peaceful environment that encourages sleep, you can gradually improve your sleep quality.


Avoid Using Devices Before Bed


Avoiding unwanted conversations is the easiest way to prepare your mind and body. You can do this by putting devices aside at least 30 minutes before your scheduled bedtime.


Minimize Caffeine, Alcohol and Nicotine Intake


If you consume large amounts of caffeine, alcohol and nicotine after evening hours, you may experience problematic sleep cycles. Avoid drinking them during and after evening hours or minimize their consumption for best results.

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