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What are the Pros and Cons of Memory Foam Mattresses?

Memory foam mattresses have recently been preferred by those who want to sleep comfortably and their popularity is increasing. However, with the use of low quality materials under market conditions, various questions arise for those who use memory beds. In order to prevent these problems, it will be useful to have information about the positive and negative aspects of the memory foam mattress.

Memory foam mattress

What is Memory Foam?

The special elastic material developed by the American Space Agency (NASA) in the 1960s is called memory foam. Memory foam is also known as "viscoelastic" polyurethane foam or low-resistance polyurethane foam (LRPU). Visco elastic material was mainly developed to prevent astronauts from experiencing various joint pains during their space travels. Visco material, which has been used in many areas in a short time because it gave positive results on astronauts, has become frequently preferred, especially in beds, as it offers extreme comfort and convenience.

Memory foam mattresses, produced based on visco elastic material, are among the recently prominent mattress models for a comfortable sleeping experience. Memory foam mattresses, which take the shape of the body due to the memory cells contained in the material and at the same time offer an ergonomic sleeping experience, are preferred more and more by those who want to sleep comfortably. However, for those who want to buy a new mattress, there is not enough information about the memory foam material, which raises questions.

Advantages of Memory Foam Mattresses

The positive aspects of the memory foam bed will show what kind of bed it is, and will also guide those who want to buy a visco bed.

· The visco layer takes the shape of the body. In this way, it ensures that the body relaxes, its weight is distributed evenly, and it also allows it to move comfortably. Those who want a restful and healing sleep experience, especially during sleep, should pay attention to these features. Mattresses with poor contents do not distribute body weight evenly. For a restful sleep, body parts need to relax and muscles need to relax. When weight is placed on an area during sleep, that area will work continuously throughout the sleep period, causing fatigue or various pains after sleep. Since the visco elastic material takes the shape of the weight on it, it distributes the entire weight evenly and thus causes the person to sleep restfully.

· Memory foam mattresses have a breathable structure. Thanks to their open-cell structure, they ensure that the heat balance is constant. However, low-cost memory foam mattresses on the market do not have a breathable structure. This may cause excessive sweating or bad odor.

· Memory foam mattresses, with their special structure, do not allow formations such as mold, fungus and bacteria. In this way, situations that may cause allergic reactions are prevented.

· One of the biggest advantages of memory foam mattresses is that they do not collapse due to use. The biggest problem with commonly used spring mattresses is that they collapse over time. Because in spring beds, due to the arrangement of the springs, some springs collapse over time, depending on the sleeping position. However, since memory foam mattresses do not contain springs and the material has a weight balancing feature, they are suitable for long-term use.

· One of the biggest problems, especially for those who sleep in pairs, is that if one of the couples moves during sleep, the other one wakes up. People with sensitive sleep experience great distress from this situation, their sleep is interrupted, and they cannot fall asleep easily again.

· Memory foam mattresses easily prevent this situation thanks to their motion-distributing properties, and they ensure that no matter how much movement is made during sleep, the person sleeping next to them is not disturbed by balancing the movement.

Disadvantages of Memory Foam Mattresses

Memory foam beds are also known as beds that use space technology. Memory foam mattresses, which are a wonderful experience of today's technological developments, do not have many negative aspects. However, beds that are made using bad materials and do not actually feature memory foam beds can cause problems.

· The most important feature for memory foam mattresses is the quality of the material used. In order for Visco to fully show its properties, it should be used in bed within the minimum criteria. Uses below this criterion prevent memory foam mattresses from showing their properties.

· Do not trust products offered as purely memory foam beds. Because no mattress can show completely visco properties. Since memory foam has a structure that surrounds the body, if you sleep on a bed that is completely visco, the person will fall between the layers of visco. Therefore, supporting filling materials must be used in addition to viscose.

· The most common negative aspects of memory foam mattresses are sweating problems. However, this is the case for memory foam mattresses made using careless and low quality materials.

Memory foam mattresses are generally not suitable for babies and children of developmental age. No matter how high the quality of the material is, it can negatively affect the development of children at this age stage. Since they develop rapidly, incorrect body positions or especially the spinal cord region will cause negative situations for them.

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memory foam mattresses

Is Memory Foam Mattress the Right Mattress to Choose?

Considering the positive and negative aspects, it can be seen that memory foam mattresses made of quality materials offer a wonderful sleeping experience. Under these conditions, if you want to have a restful, constructive, healthy and body-supportive sleep experience, you can choose among memory foam mattress models produced with first-class materials and meticulous workmanship.

If you are having a hard time choosing the right bed, you should choose a bed by considering all the options and values according to your personal characteristics and sleeping position.

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