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What is REM Sleep and How to Reach the REM Sleep Phase?

Sleep performs an important restorative function for the body to function properly and improve its functions. However, optimal rest is not always achieved and sleep is not as restful as it should be. Therefore, it is important to know all the stages of sleep and their functions during the sleep process. In this article, we will examine the REM sleep or REM (rapid eye movement) phase.

REM Sleep

What is the REM phase of sleep?

REM sleep phase is one of the phases that make up sleep. It is also known as the REM phase, which stands for rapid eye movements. It gets this name because it is characterized by high brain activity, especially leading to sustained and rapid eye movements.

This brain activity is similar to activity that occurs when a person is awake or in the early stages of sleepiness. The rest of the body is completely motionless and has no muscle tone except for the diaphragm and eyes.

This stage is where dreams and nightmares develop. Even though the body remains inactive, more activation may occur at the physiological level: respiration and heart rate, blood pressure, etc. may increase. The amount of this REM phase increases as sleep cycles progress throughout the night.

Function of REM Sleep Phase

The REM phase of sleep is very important because it serves special functions, although it cannot be easily defined, given its close relationship with other stages. It is thought that the organization of mental processes in the brain takes place at this stage. During this moment, new memories are integrated and stabilized, meaning new information is stored and information deemed irrelevant is discarded or eliminated. This dream is what transforms information and experiences into long-term memory memories.

On the other hand, the REM phase of sleep is also related to the maturation process necessary for the development of the human brain. This is important for various mental processes at the cognitive and sensory level. For example, there are some types of proteins that appear only at this stage and have important functions in the development of different skills.

As we see, this stage is very important. It should be taken into account that REM sleep decreases with time and age. Therefore, it is important to adopt daily rules that will help reach the REM phase and improve its quality.

How to Achieve REM Sleep?

Considering the importance of REM sleep for skill and memory development, it is important to know and establish some rules to reach this stage more easily. Here are some of the habits you can adopt to improve the REM phase of sleep:

Exercise regularly: Exercise has many health benefits. Among these, it helps ensure and improve deep sleep. It is recommended to avoid application during hours close to rest.

Reduce the intake of stimulants: Reduce or eliminate substances such as coffee, tobacco or alcohol. These have properties that change and interrupt the natural rhythm of sleep.

Maintain a routine: Develop a deactivation routine that relaxes your body and mind as rest time approaches. Try to keep sleep schedules similar every day.

Turn off screens: Light emitted from different electronic devices can alter daily sleep cycles. This is because it interferes with the natural process of the brain, causing it to perceive that it is daytime and not initiate the appropriate physiological processes for sleep. It is recommended that you stop using such devices at least one hour before resting.

Eliminate noise and lights: Create an environment that makes it easier to initiate and maintain sleep. To do this, reduce or eliminate lights and sounds in the room as much as possible.

Use relaxation techniques: These types of techniques help deactivate the mind and body from triggering sleep. There are different types: choose the one that is most useful to you.

Use healthy sleep products: REM sleep is possible with comfortable and relaxed sleep. Therefore, definitely choose the healthiest and highest quality sleep products.

Here we have left you 6 relaxation methods that will help you fall asleep.

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Authentic Japanese Floor Mattresses Increase Comfort

Japanese floor mattresses, which are organic mattresses, are produced by combining traditional mattress production methods with today's mattress technology. Since they are used close to or on the ground, they provide great support to the body and ensure a balanced distribution of the entire body weight. This helps you relax, find comfort and sleep uninterruptedly, as it prevents extra load on any area. Floor beds also make it easier to transition into REM sleep by giving the person's subconscious the impression that they are sleeping on a safer ground, as they are close to the ground. Those who wake up tired in the morning can wake up energetic, vigorous and feeling sleepy every morning when they sleep on Japanese floor mattresses.

Those who have trouble waking up in the morning or waking up tired should also consider their sleeping habits, sleep duration, personal characteristics such as weight, and existing health problems when choosing a restful bed. Those who choose the right bed by taking these suggestions into consideration will wake up feeling sleepy in the morning.

Discover WoW Futon Mattresses that provide organic and healthy sleep with its certified natural ingredients. Visit the Amazon store and find a variety of WoW Futon Organic Mattresses.


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