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Why Does Good Sleep Also Improve Health?

A rested and good sleep is very important for health. Many people tend to underestimate the importance of good sleep, but science has shown that getting adequate quality sleep plays an important role in maintaining our physical and mental health.

Good Sleep

Arguments for Good Sleep and Health

Here are some reasons why health starts with good sleep:

• Increased physical regeneration: During sleep, the body has time to rest and regenerate. Cells, tissues and organs are repaired and the immune system is strengthened. Therefore, adequate sleep is an important factor in staying healthy and fit.

• Improving emotional health: A good night's sleep is also very important for our emotional health. Lack of sleep can cause mood swings, irritability and anxiety. Restful sleep, on the other hand, can help reduce stress and improve our mood.

• Increases cognitive abilities: During sleep, the brain is “cleared”, which helps improve memory and cognitive abilities. Therefore, adequate sleep is important for maintaining mental health and daily performance.

• Preventing health problems: Lack of sleep can lead to various health problems such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease. On the other hand, getting enough sleep can help reduce these risks and improve overall health.

It's important to make sure you get enough sleep to maintain your health. A comfortable and supportive mattress can help promote restful sleep. At WoW Futon you'll find a wide range of high-quality organic mattresses and organic mattress toppers designed with your personal needs in mind, ensuring a healthy and restful sleep.

How Does Exercise Affect Sleep?

Regular exercise can have a positive effect on sleep quality. A joint study by Oregon State University and Bellarmine University showed that sleep quality improved by 65 percent when people exercised for at least two and a half hours a week.

The intensity of the fitness program played a role, as both moderate and high intensity led to significantly better and more intense sleep. Specifically, the number of light and deep sleep stages increased among study participants. Therefore, it is recommended that a moderate exercise program be part of the treatment for sleep problems, as it is not only good for cardiovascular health, but can also have a positive effect on sleep.

One of the most important considerations is the timing of physical activity. Exercising close to bedtime can cause you to have trouble falling asleep because your body and mind are still working at full speed. It is recommended that you stop exercising at least two hours before bed to give your body time to relax and cool down.

Which Pillows and Mattresses Are Good for a Good Night's Sleep?

The choice of pillows and mattresses depends on individual needs and preferences. But there are some general suggestions that can help promote good sleep.

Beds should, above all else, be comfortable and supportive. A mattress that is too soft or too hard can cause back or joint pain. A good mattress should properly support the body (body support) and keep the spine in a neutral position. A bed with lumbar support is ideal.

WoW Futon Mattress Topper for Good Sleep

WoW Futon recommends organic mattresses and mattress toppers, which are produced using only natural ingredients such as linen, alpaca wool, merino wool, bamboo, cotton and natural latex, as they provide natural air permeability and great sleeping comfort.

Pillows must be the correct height and firmness to support the head and neck and ensure optimal alignment of the spine.

Muscles Grow While Sleeping

One of the many positive effects of a good night's sleep is that it allows muscles to grow during rest. This is due to the release of growth hormones secreted during deep sleep.

During sleep, the body may also produce anti-inflammatory hormones that help reduce inflammation in the muscles. This is especially important for people who exercise regularly and strain their muscles.

Additionally, getting a good night's sleep can help reduce cortisol levels in the body, a hormone that can rise during chronic stress and cause muscles to break down. So, you can help your muscles grow and recover by getting enough and quality sleep.

Getting enough sleep in general is important to keep our bodies in the best possible health. A good night's sleep can help us regenerate our bodies, build our muscles, and refresh our minds.

Can I Exercise at Night?

Basically, any type of excitement, including physical activity, can initially keep you awake. However, it is important to remember that low levels of physical exertion, such as a light cardio session, can help relieve physical and mental tension and therefore aid sleep.

However, very intense physical stress can cause the organism to become restless and thus affect sleep. Your individual fitness during the day and your personal preferences also play a role in deciding whether you want to exercise at night.

Ultimately you should listen to your body and find what works best for you. If you find that exercising at night affects your sleep, you may want to choose a different time to exercise.

How to Get a Healthy Sleep?

WoW Futon lists five tips below that can help you get a healthy night's sleep:

• Create a relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom: A dark, cool and quiet room can help you fall asleep faster and sleep deeper. Also avoid unnecessary light sources and disturbing sounds.

• Set a regular sleep time: The body gets used to a regular sleep rhythm. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every night.

• Avoid caffeinated drinks and heavy meals in the evening: Caffeine can disrupt sleep, and heavy meals can cause digestive problems that can affect sleep. Instead, choose light and healthy snacks.

• Avoid consuming electronic devices before bed: Blue light emitted from electronic devices can disrupt sleep by inhibiting the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Try to stay away from your electronic devices at least an hour before bed.

• Exercise regularly: Exercising regularly can help improve sleep quality and reduce stress. Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, but not right before bed.

WoW Futon also recommends using only sleep products made from natural and organic materials on how to get a healthy night's sleep.

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